Site header titled 'Accio Books!' in a cute font
FAQ Header: Welcome to! Curious about this site and how it works? You're in the right spot!
Q. What is Accio Books?
A. is a one-stop search tool for all your favorite book sites. By summoning links to all your favorite sites in one place, it helps you find the books you love quicker.
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Q. Why did you make this site?
A. As an obsessed avid bookworm, I spent way too much time hopping between book sites. For a single book, I often find myself going to:
But going to each site and searching the same freaking book title over and over quickly gets tedious.
I eventually made a little bookmarklet to pre-search these sites for me. I loved that little thing, and happily used it many months. But it had a few drawbacks that I knew would frustrate the average user. Even after writing an extensive tutorial on my blog, I kept hesitating to publish it because it just wasn't as accessible and user-friendly as I wanted.
Then I realized I could solve all those obstacles if I just turned my bookmarklet into a website. This gave me the flexibility to provide a handy tool that's:
  • Easy to use
  • Optimized for Mobile
  • Designed for accessibility
  • Has a built-in Dark Mode toggle
  • And even sends you to the right Amazon store for your country!
I'm really excited to finally tell you all about it, and I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.
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Q. How do I search Accio-Books?
A. I made a YouTube Demo (Shorts version) to show how simple it is! Just type in the book you're looking for, hit the 'Accio Books!' button, and we'll fetch results from all your favorite book sites in one go.
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Q. Is this service free?
A. Absolutely! Accio-Books is completely free to use. While I may earn a small commission from (optional) affiliate links, it won't cost you extra.
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Q. Can you see my searches?
A. Nope! Accio-Books believes in transparency and respects your privacy. Like most sites, there are basic Google Analytics, but GA doesn't provide any identifying info. And all the code and files for this site are available for your perusal on GitHub.
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Q. Tell me more about affiliate links.
A. Affiliate links (also called referral links) are an easy way to help support this site, and other cool tools I'm developing for readers. When you click on an affiliate link on my site, it tells the retailer that you came from here. If you make a purchase, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your personal information isn't shared, and this tracking only applies to your interactions with the retailer's site, not your overall web activity. However, non-affiliate link options are always provided for your convenience. Either way, I value your choice and privacy!
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Q. Are you endorsing these sites? Do these companies sponsor you?
A. Nope, no endorsements! I just love reading, and wanted to make it easier for fellow book lovers to search their favorite sites all in one go.
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Q. Any tips, cool hacks, or known issues for using this site?
A. I got a few!
  • Tip: If you type the ISBN or ASIN number directly, Goodreads will take you straight to its book page. (This seems to only work on Goodreads.)
  • Cool hack: This tool pairs great with the TabCopy extension. (Read about other ways to use TabCopy here!)
  • Issues: BookBub only allows searches if you're already logged in. (It seems to keep me perpetually signed in, so I never noticed this!)
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Q. What does Accio Books mean? And how is it pronounced?
A. Accio is a Latin word that basically means 'fetch'. (I will never stop trying to make fetch happen!) Accio is also a summoning charm. Sadly, I'm still waiting on my letter from Hogwarts, so this site will have to do the magic ✨. It's pronounced either 'AK-ee-oh' or 'AK-see-oh'. Either way is good.
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Q. Will you be adding more features?
A. Definitely! I have a whole list of ideas, but I need your input. Contact me at one of the links at the end, and let me know what you'd like to see next!
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Q. I'm only interested in a few sites. When I search here, will I be hammering all those other sites with search requests?
A. No! None of the sites here get any traffic until you click on a result and your page opens up. All my search tool does is take your search words, and the site's address, and smush them together to create your link. (If you've ever heard of the words Cosplay, Glamping, Jeggings, or Reylo, then you're already familiar with the basic concept πŸ˜….)
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Q. I have a question not listed here.
A. Got more questions, or just want... more? ↑ back to top

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means if you click on a link and purchase an item, I may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.
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